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Connect to illio through Interactive Brokers and find out why your money moves

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How illio works

Connect to the largest brokers, trading platforms, private banks and digital wallets to track your listed, unlisted and digital assets
Step 1 : Aggregate
Bring in all your accounts and track all of your assets through one platform
Step 2 : Analyze
Analyze your total wealth with professional grade analytics
Step 3 : Get informed
If you just want answers, our Insights engine gives you them in seconds

What do I get as an Interactive Brokers user?

You'll benefit from full access to our system for a free trial for 30 days with no obligation to continue
Start with 3 months of historical IB data & add your own positions in as well
After the trial, continue using illio through IB for an exclusive rate of only $5 ppm

3 ways we help you

Our proprietary Insights will you key facts about your investments. Find them on the dashboard, as well as within the deeper dive sections.
Our tool tips
Not sure what something means, or why it matters? Our tool tips will help you along the way.
Quick guides
Make the most of our platform and your investments by going through our Quick Guides. Get informed with detailed guides on how illio works and how to read each graph and section.

How to connect to illio
& other FAQs

*Please note - you need to be signed in to IB to connect